Nodebox windows
Nodebox windows

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Cost: free trial download from 2008, lowest street price I saw for Multimedia Fusion 2 was $83.įlash: Adobe’s popular animation & game programming system, famously unsupported by the iPad. That said, there is a book for it, Game Creation for Teens.


It looks similar to Game Maker, but targeted for a somewhat more professional audience (and at a higher cost) overall. Multimedia Fusion 2: this is an expanded and rebranded version of the company’s “ Games Factory 2” product that includes all its functionality.


Cost: free Lite version and trial Pro version, cost for Pro version (which you want) is $20. There’s lots of example games and web support. From Amazon reviews, the book Getting Started in Game Maker might be better. I have The Game Maker’s Apprentice, which is good in that it gets the person involved quickly, but bad in that little understanding gets transmitted early on (“now set this UI control to do this, now load that file there, now hit ‘run’ if it doesn’t run, walk through all the instructions carefully again”). Very UI oriented, no programming language involved per se – the UI controls are essentially a programming language of a sort. Most of the focus is on events and constraints, as you might guess. It’s much more about games than graphics, graphical elements are 2D sprites and backdrops. Game Maker: My experience with this one is trying it with my younger son, and later Cornell using it in a 20 hour digital game design workshop for high-school students. But, that’s me-let me know if you have a great counterexample. I’ve also ignored some famous examples like Logo, as it feels a bit crusty and limited to me. Processing, are easier to get into than the UI-driven systems, but some understanding of programming is needed. I’ll list these roughly from the more basic to those for budding programmers and indies. Comments are most welcome, especially for pointers to better overviews than this! That said, I haven’t sat down with more than two of them for any serious amount of time. Today’s question: what tools are there for teaching about computer graphics and/or computer games? I don’t have a definitive answer, but I have a little experience with a few resources and know of others. Tags: DirectX, Duke Nukem, gamma correction, Kodu, motion blur, NodeBox 2, OpenGL, PhysX, sRGB, tone mapping, VFX A little balance is provided by Raphael van Lierop. We all like to tell and listen to stories, so it’s hard to know how true any narrative is, but this one seems reasonably on the mark. The story of Duke Nukem in Wired is just fascinating.It uses a node graph-based approached, see some examples here. Another interesting graphics programming tool is NodeBox 2, now in beta.

nodebox windows

For still more tools, check the comments on the original blog entry-some great additions there. Surprisingly, it’s in 3D, with a funky chiclet terrain system. For grade schoolers, it uses a visual language. One resource I didn’t recall for my blog entry about tools for teaching about graphics and game creation: Kodu, from Microsoft.Here’s another PhysX demo, of water-a little jelly-like (good spray is hard, since it’s so fine-grained), but pretty amazing to see happen at interactive rates.It is maintained by professionals in the field, so the resources listed are those known to actually be used and production-worthy. ( thanks, Larry)

nodebox windows

  • is a catalog of open source projects that are particularly suited for film visual effects and animation work.
  • In a similar vein, Mark Kilgard has a talk about the changes from OpenGL 1.0 to 3.2 with some worthwhile data flow diagrams and other material.
  • Wolfgang Engel has posted DirectX 11 and DirectX 10 pipeline overview charts.
  • They’d also turn blur off if a single frame was taking too long. Interesting that a variable frame rate combined with blur made people sick.
  • I hadn’t noticed this set of notes before from Valve, “ Post Processing in the Orange Box.” It’s about sRGB (think, gamma correction), tone mapping (think, rescaling using the histogram), and motion blur (think, types of blur).
  • I use a LIFO stack for these link collections, so we’re starting to get into older news.

    Nodebox windows